The Gospel of Mark, at the core is about Discipleship. A real relationship with Jesus, following Jesus, trusting Jesus, fellowship with Jesus, believing in the teachings of Jesus, being molded and shaped by Jesus, and preparing to face what Jesus faced.
- All the Gospels give an account of John proclaiming Jesus as the Messiah.
- My favorite…John 1:29 “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
- Here in Mark we get the overview of what happened.
- We get introduced to John the Baptist, what he was doing, and why he was doing it.
- Baptizing in the wilderness
- proclaiming a baptism of repentance (remember the word repentance)
- for the forgiveness of sins.
- As crazy as John the Baptist was, people were coming to him. Confessing sins to him.
- John the Baptist also recognized his purpose…
- “After me comes he who is mightier than I”
- John the Baptist was humble.
- “The strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to stoop down and untie”
- John the Baptist recognized his place and worth.
- “I have baptized you with water”
- John used what he could, what he had…water to wash and cleanse away sin.
- It makes sense…when we are dirty we get in water and wash to get clean.
- But when John the Baptist was baptizing people Jesus hasn’t yet died or resurrected.
- The act of baptism was yet another means by which people tried to rid themselves of sin but couldn’t.
- The act of baptism did not, does not even today, atone for sin.
- However, Jesus seen the importance of this act and asked John the Baptist to baptism Him.
- Jesus knew that what John the Baptist was doing was meaningful, had importance, and would allow for people to remember.
- Jesus is the one that made Baptism important, necessary, and meaningful.
- John prepared the way for us to follow The Way, Jesus.
- Prior to John the Baptist people were doing cleansing rituals that could be considered baptism-like.
- None were being baptized as John the Baptist called…for the repentance of their sins.
- Repent means to turn away from…
- So John was calling for people to be washed clean of their sins, but it’s more.
- John the Baptist was sent to “Prepare the Way”.
- His purpose was to get people ready for the Messiah…for Jesus.
- The way that John baptized people was fulfilling the prophecy that told us that Jesus would die, be buried, and then raised again to life.
- It wasn’t just so people could get clean…baptism was to prepare people for Jesus, “the Way, the Truth, the Life.”
- When Jesus was baptized by John it changed everything. The whole purpose of baptism changed from simply getting clean to dying to one’s self.
- Jesus comes out of the water and Heaven opens up.
- v.11 there is a voice from Heaven.
- “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.”
- There are witnesses to Heaven opening up, the Holy Spirit descending on Jesus, and now a voice.
- For those gathered, witnessing the baptism of Jesus, this is a special moment and one that brought many to faith in Christ.
- Acts 2:41 talks about Peter continuing the message of “Repent and be baptized”.
- Thousands have heard and received this message that John the Baptist Prepared.