Satan feeds on Fear
The Supreme issue of the church today is repentance and revival.
We need to unleash the laity.
Need to pray for responsive and repentant hearts.
We have lost our first love.
I. Joseph: Genesis 46:29
God always relates to His people.
God deliberately pulled back so Joseph’s faith could reach a new level of maturity.
Through all his trials Joseph learned to trust.
II. The Prodigal Son: Luke 15:20
The Prodigals journey-story.
The older son was lost at home.
You can serve God year after year and yet your heart can be far from Him.
Need to serve not out of duty or habit but out of joy and gratitude.
III. Jesus goes to the Father: Mark 16:19
Jesus reflected the Father.
Do you have the Father’s heart?
Christ will come again.
Return to God and He will Return to You. The church must speak up and let our voices be heard.